Among the main objectives of the project was the development and supply of the newly established National Park with basic ecotourism information materials.
These included information boards and a brochure containing essential information regarding birdwatching, butterfly-watching and botanical excursions in the National Park.
The brochure |
The latter piece includes map with key observation sites accompanied with the details on the best time to visit and the expected diversity of species. The information was compiled by expert ornithologists, entomologists and botanists to ensure the accuracy of the presented data and map.
Information board near the lake Ardenis |
Information boards were erected in several places in the Park. These are bilingual (English and Armenian) and display photographs and list of the most common representatives of local wildlife that could be seen on the spot - birds, butterflies, dragonflies.
Map of the Lake Arpi National Park |
A large board with a bilingual map of the National Park was positioned near the Park's Visitor Center. This is found near the Ghazanchi village. The construction of the Visitor Center is still in progress.
Display board for the Visitor Center of the Park |
Another board was prepared for the inside of the Visitor Center. This presents information about the biodiversity of the Park and highlights rare and endangered species protected here. The board will be placed on wall when the construction works finished.